Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Research Blog #1: Initial Topic Idea

For my final research project, I want to focus on the topic of college sports and how it affects an athlete's attitude towards their academic and financial responsibilities. 

1) In terms of academics:
Do athletes focus more on succeeding in their academics or succeeding in their sport? 
How do they decide to manage their time based on their focus of success? 
Are they banking on their athletic ability for career success (i.e. professional sports)?
Do athletes get more attention in succeeding academically (via free tutors, aid to cheat, easy grading, etc.) than regular students because they are receiving a scholarship? Which would lead to the question: Does the university focus more on the revenue drawn in from the sports team, or from the money they are losing through the scholarship?

2) In terms of finances:
Are athletes attending college because of their love for the sport or because of the scholarship that provides them a means of affording a college education?
Would they still attend college to play a sport if not given a scholarship?
If the scholarship was taken away from them(via academic failure or injury), would they drop out or find a means to afford tuition (student loans?) in order to still get a higher education.
If injured (i.e. concussion), would an athlete feel pressured to continue playing at the risk of further health damages in order to keep their scholarship, or quit and find an alternative means (student loans?) to afford tuition?
Because the university takes in revenue from college sports, would athletes agree to forfeit their scholarship in order to be paid?  Or would they want to be paid in addition to receiving a scholarship?

1 comment:

  1. I have had a lot of students write on questions around sports, and most of those projects are very successful. Last semester, most of the sports projects addressed the issue of why athletes should be paid, and that question has been at the heart of most sports-related papers in recent years. Your desire to focus on athletes and their motivations is interesting, though, and a different angle than most students take. What motivates the athletes? Here are some sample projects which might give you ideas and sources. You should look through the sidebar for others as well:

    Athletics and Branding

    Public Relations around Athlete Pay and Academics

    College Sports as a Loser's Game

    The Truth about College Sports
